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Japanies small judo dictionary

judo kimonos:		
 white first hezi 	1993	1
 white hezi mizuno	1997	2
 blue eran moskito	1999	3
 blue roma moskito	2004	4
 white adidas einat	may-04	5
 white moskito einat   	2005	6
 blue moskito -ramaz   7-2006 -start using 1/07	ene-07	7
 blue skini moskito-eran	2010	8

kodokan - the great judo club in Japan established by Jigoro Kano at 1882
dojo - the training club
tatami- matress
dodoji - the judo uniform
kumikata- holding the opponent uniform
obi - belt
o- big
ko -small
hagime- start
mate- stop
rey - bow/curtesy
sensey - teacher
uchi komi- entering situations
yuko - side
kimono - judo suit
kyu - ranks below black belt
dat- ranks above black belt
migi- right
hidari -left
shiay - contest
randori - light fight
tory - the guy that make the exercise
auke- your  opponent

nage waza - throwing tecknics
te waza - hand tecknics
goshi waza - pelvis/hip tecknics
ashi waza - leg tecknics
sutemi waza - secrifice tecknics

ne wasa - ground tecknics
shimi waza - strangulation tecnics
kansetzo waza - bar locks

kumikata - the holding of the opponent 
shinfan- judge
kubi - nec
sonomama- dont move
kozushi - take you out of balance
tai sabaki- body movements to the exercise
kata - patterns prepered in advenced

gime - strungulation
oshiro - rear
ura -rear
nage - throw
kata - cross
tzukumi - press
guruma - wheel/ twist
sode - sleeve
gatame - hold/catch
gugi - hand
waki - bar
ashi - foot
kesa- scarf
aude - arm
garme - bent
kazure - change
makure - pillow
soto - outside
gake - hook
te - hand
goshi - hip
moone - chest
makikomi - winding /rolling
otoshi -drop ?
yoko - side
oshiro - backwards/ back
giako - opposite
tate - ride
shio - body
tzuri -changing

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