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What ever will be

Post 6/Nov/09
Its been 2 and a half weeks that i am speaking only English, i can tell that most people like what
they are hearing, they know (and i tell them if they dont) that i speak Hebrew so they can answer in their prefered language, sometimes English is a bit rusty and one feels more comfortable about that...
I got also some, let say "bad" reaction from one man i train with but i took it as a joke. people should understand that there are different opinions then their main opinion.
Thats why i decided to stay at home yesterday, to let memories dissolve a bit.
On the other hand, yesterday at the middle of the night walked in the Superpharm to buy me some chocolate chips cookies of Merba (in the blue cover, i like them) i talked to the pharmacist and his helper who is arabian about it. The arab guy sure liked what he heard and the pharmacist tried hard to give us answers.
he was uncomfortable to understand that i am too desperate from changing the people and i was just changing things for myself by paying the price of being alone..
the good part is that he belongs to the left party, talking to a man from the other side might have caused yellings or even violence.
People do understand me but there are still ones that put their head in the sand like an Ostrich.
its too big for them to change such things in their minds, i can partly understand them.
people may not risk their own job, own friends and habits for talking about the truth, they may want to keep living and getting used to the situation "as is" instead of dealing with it.
It can only happen to someone who has "nothing to loose" who can risk such matters.
  Dont you  think that i live in a wealth, not at all, i lost customers like the people who tried my recordarchiver recording program, a hardware problem was discovered later in the automatic recording which later i thought and knew i could bypass progrematically but  i did not bother to call them ofering that solution.
my thoughts about the political situation just stopped me somehow from calling them..
another customer whom we worked for a long period wanted to hand me some money (just about 400 nis for a period of 1 year) but i need to come to his place to take it, i know he did not do it "on purpose" to make me feel uncomfortable, its just that this is the way things are done.(he cannot send it because he is disabled in cheques or something..)
so guess what, i did not go and the service i gave was canceled.
The main problem is that i hardly work at home, i can do many things if i just work regularly..

Other subjects:
My site was hacked lately by good persons. i remembered when it happened to me once when i hosted a linux server at home with my web site on it which back then was addressed "www.ros.co.il". i went to put fliers in the houses and forgot to turn back on the "iptables"-the linux firewall. i was told from the person that did it by a phone he left me that it was haked just for helping and teaching purposes (white hat hacker??). i am realy not a king of web developing and hacking especially because mostly i happen to deal with windows clients programs.
I sure know theres a lot there to learn in the web platform and in hacking in general.

Tonight, right after my judo practice i will drive (by motorcycle not by bicycle),nicely claded, to one of Hezis parties to demonstrate my IpponSMS program in front of a live audience before the main debiting event. 
I feel fine with it except that when the message list is huge (more then 100 messages) it consumes a lot of cpu resources that i need to fix later on.

please meet Lui, my parents former Maltez dog taken at my brothers bed in 1997:
died at the age of 13 a few years ago.
man i loved him..

Here are 2 extreem climbing movies on the Himalaya and K2 which are the two top most highest mountains in the world.

until next time,

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