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richinstyle.com dgl.microsoft.com -clipart books at : wrox.com can make a site: a table form start of body of 700 pixels JS: -- < script languige="Javascript"> function JumpToJavascriptPage() { location="auto.htm" } < /script> < noscript>turn scripting off < /noscript> RGB : red green white (0-255) fff --> white 000 --> black special Charecters: ------------------   1 space < < > > & & " " < html>....< /html> in every page < title>....< /title> title < head>....< /head> head of page < body>....< /body> body of page < h1 align=center>WELCOM< /h1> tytle size 1 < p>...< /p> parograph < b>....< /b> bold < u>....< /u> lower line < i>....< /I> italik < SUB> up line < SUP> low write < BIG> big font < SMALL> small font < B>1< sup>1< /sup>=1< /B> < em>"EM"-Italic & Bold < /em> < stong> Hardly Bold< /strong> < cite>citation text< /cite> < dfn>difination text< /dfn> < samp>Like code text< /samp> < kbd>KeyBorD< /kbd> < var>Variable< /var> < strike>Strike< /strike> < div align=center> is a container < H1> this is centered< /H1> < H2> and so is this < /H2> < p> and this also < /p> < /div> < marqee>will scroll accross explorer page< /marqee> < blockquote>"jonathans life has changed since he left school ,first he had to find a job for himself then to think about building his future.< /blockquote> < FONT SIZE=7>W< /font> < FONT SIZE=3>ELCOME< /font> < br> -enter < nobr> here the text will not break his line < /nobr> < hr> - make horizontal line the next line < HR SIZE=12 width=150>< /hr> < hr size="5" width="50%" align="center" noshade> < hr size=4 width=100 align=center> < hr size=3 width=50 align=center> < body background="picture.gif"> backround pic gets many times < body bgcolor="#rrggbb" text="#rrggbb link="#rrggbb" alink="#rrggbb" vlink="#rrggbb"> backround color link= color of link alink= active color of link vlink= past used color of link < body text="#rrggbb">.....< /body> < font size=x color=white face="ariel, Helvetica,courier,times new roman"> x=1-7 lightgreen darkgreen navy lightblue pink < ol type=a> list with numbers a,b,c < ol type=A> list with numbers A,B,C < ol type=I> list with Rome numbers < ol type=i> list with numbers i,ii,iii < ol type=1> list with numbers 1,2,3 < ol type I start=5> starts from 5 UL -->list of bolt things < ul type=disc> square circle < li>humus < li>pita < li>tznobar < /ul> < OL type="A" start=5> < LI>Saute garlic in a skillet with olive oil until they are brown at medium heat. < LI>Reduce heat and add tomatoes, oregano and bay leaves. < LI>Let it simmer until sauce is thick. < LI>Serve on top of pasta. < LI>Add honey to reduce acidity. < ul> < li>Another list < li>& one more... < /ul> < LI>Back to the first list < /OL> ---------- Hebrew: < head> < meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-8\">< /head> (for netscape put 8 instead of 1 or MS-1255) < meta name="description" content="QAs home page"> < meta name="keywords" content="training, instruction, teaching"> < meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> <-- against robots # will enter the page in different styles: < meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" CONTENT="RevealTrans"(Duration=3.0,Transition=3)"> will redirect you after 5 seconds to walla: < META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5" ; URL="http://www.walla.co.il"> < p dir="rtl">< span lang="he">here Hebrew..< /span> < /p> --------------------------------- multimedia: < a href="hellow.wav">greeting from the author< /a> < bgsound src="start.wav" loop=n> number possible < BODY E:\Software\Documents\Alin\Alins HTML\Soundes\IloveMicrosoft.mp3> < IMG DYNSRC="POOLSHRK.MPG"> < A HREF="POOLSHRK.MPG" controls=1> If you click here you will be surprized..< /A> < EMBED SRC="1.avi" Autoplay="false" width=11 height=45> <--shows controls < EMBED SRC="file.pdf" width=444 height=555> <-- will scroll the pdf in the page < /BODY> streaming explorer: music.m3u: http://www.ros.co.il/1.mp3 index.html: < a href="music.m3u" type="audio/x-mpegurl"> play song< /a> ----------------------------- links: < a href="mailto:ronen3@excite.com">send me mail< /a> < MARQUEE>< font color=blue size=4>Hello everybody!! < /font> < /MARQUEE> # running text < a href="list.html">press here for this link< /a> < ol> < li>< a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo< /a> . . . < /ol> < a href="http://ros.co.il/3.html#yosi">go to yosis place on 3.html page< /a> < a href="yosi">GO DOWN< /a> . . . . < a name="yosi"> pics: < img src="car.gif" width=100 height=60 border=5 hspace=40 vspace=6 align=top> orizontal--^ vertical--^ bottom middle left DOS--> c:\daniel\2.gif HTML-> ///c|/daniel/2.gif < img src="pic.jpg" alt="alternate text"> alternative text < img src="pic.jpg" lowsrc="piclow.jpg"> light pic meantime < a href = "bigpic.jpg"> --> push the < img src="pic.jpg" alt="alternate text">< /a> < A HREF="movie.avi"> < IMG SRC="pic.gif" ALT="Bang!">< /A> #?< IMG SRC="1.jpg" DYNSRC="1.avi" ALT="my video" controls width=555 height=444> use prog: mapedit at www.boutell.com < IMG SRC="SAKS.JPG" border=0 usemap="#SAKS">< /a> ismap=(server side maps that ignores client side) This is an example for map picture...
< map name="SAKS"> < area shape="rect" alt="Microsoft site" coords="0,232,268,486" href="http://www.microsoft.com" title="Microsoft site" onMouseOver="Hi!" onMouseOut="Bye!"> < area shape="rect" alt="Yahoo site" coords="0,0,268,232" href="http://www.yahoo.com" title="Yahoo site" onMouseOver="Hi..." onMouseOut="Bye..."> < area shape="default" nohref> rectangle (x1,y1) (x2,y2) URL circle (x,y) radius URL oval polygon (x1,y1)(x2,y2)..(xN,yN) URL point < /map> --------------------------- netscape: < Strike>Sample No.2< /Strike>< P> < h2>The tag < BLINK >< /h2> < /P> < BLINK>Text Text Text Text < /BLINK> ----------------------------------------- < table background=1.jpg> table command (container) < tr> line in table command < td> cell in table cellpadding -->distance between a word & the table cellspacing --> space between cells border -->thickness of border < TABLE BORDER=2 BGCOLOR="gray" BORDERCOLOR="RED"> < CAPTION>Table No.II< CAPTION><-- this is a title < TR> < TH align=center VALIGN=middle ROWSPAN=2>Flights < TH align=center COLSPAN=2>Were to... < /TR> < TR> < TH>Isreal-Swiss < TH align=center>Isreal-Italy < /TR> < TR> < TD> First class < TD>< /TD> <-- here an empty cell < TD>$600 < /TR> < TR> < TD>Second class < TD>$560 < TD>$520 < /TR> < TR> < TD COLSPAN=2 bgcolor="lightblue">TOTAL < TD>$$$ < /TR> < /TABLE> < td width=90 align left valign top right bottom middle middle bgcolor="#rrggbb" to every cell < tr>< td colspan=3>< /td>< /td> -- -- -- -- -- < table border=2> < tr> < th colspan=3 bgcolor="lightblue">BMP< /th> < th colspan=3>GIF< /th> < /tr> < tr> < th bgcolor="red">1< /th>< th>2< /th>< th>3< /th> < th>4< /th>< th colspan=2>5-6< /th> < /tr> < tr> < th>1-1< /th>< th>2-2< /th> < th colspan=2>3-3+4-4< /th> < th>5-5< /th>< th>6-6< /th> < /tr> --------------------------------------------- < HEAD> < STYLE TYPE="text/css">< /STYLE> < /HEAD> < BODY> Calling out< SPAN>special sections of text< /SPAN> is possible ising SPAN container < /BODY> ------------Form Pasta--------------- < FORM METHOD="GET"> < p> < B>Please specify what did you like the best in your Pasta Napolitana:< /B>< br> < TEXTAREA Name="comments" Rows=4 cols=60> Type your text here< /TEXTAREA> < B>When do you like it best?< /B> < select name="best_time" multiple size=2> < option>For Brakefast < option>For Branch < option>For Lunch < /select> < select name="drop1" size="3"> < OPTION VALUE=2>High < OPTION VALUE=2>Medium < OPTION VALUE=2>Low < /select> < SELECT> < SELECT NAME="Cars"> < OPTION>Red< /OPTION> < OPTION SELECTED>Blue (my Favorites)< /OPTION> < /SELECT> < B>What abot the SAUCE?< /B>
< INPUT TYPE=RADIO Name="SAUCE" CHECKED>I eat just the sauce
< INPUT TYPE=RADIO Name="SAUCE">Alot of sauce
< INPUT TYPE=RADIO Name="SAUCE">Dont like Pasta at all

< B>What tempratures do you like it?< /B>
< INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX Name="burnes" CHECKED> When it burnes my tongue
< INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX Name="Like ice">Like ice

Your last name here < INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="last_name" size=25> Your first name here < INPUT TYPE=password NAME="first_name"> Your E-MAIL here < INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="email" size=50 maxlength=15 VALUE="Rest the form"> < INPUT TYPE=hidden name="remark" VALUE="thismmmmmmm"> (will run when submit) < INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="button"> < INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE="Rest the form"> < INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Submit the form"> & send it away... < input type=image src= mail@.gif> (make submit witg a pic) < input type=file name="report" value= " sales.doc"> (must be used with POST) < /FORM> ----------Farmes-------------------- <-- will send this file inside < frameset rows="50%,50%"> |----------------| < frame src=" clown.gif"> |----------------| < frame src=" aboutclown.htm"> |----------------| < /frameset> ----------- < frameset cols="50%,50%"> |---------------- < frame src=" circus.htm"> | | | < frameset rowa="50%,50%"> | | | < frame src=" aboutclown.htm"> | |-------| < frame src=" clown.gif"> | | | < / frameset> |________|_______| < / frameset> -------------------- < FRAMESET COLS="25%,75%" border=0> < FRAME SRC=PastaFrame.htm NAME="Left" marginhight=15 marginwidth=15 scrolling=no bordercolor=red frameborder=0 noresize> < FRAME SRC=lists.htm NAME="Right" marginhight=15 marginwidth=15> < NOFRAMES>If you navigator doesnt support frames write here< /NOFRAMRS> < / FRAMSET> ------------------------------ hyperlinks with frames: < A HREF=" 1.htm" TARGET="_parent">...< /A> <-- opens 1 level up < A HREF=" 1.htm" TARGET="_top">..< /A> <-- full body of the window < A HREF=" 1.htm" TARGET="_blank">..< /A> <-- a new blank window < A HREF=" 1.htm" TARGET="_top">..< /A> <-- same window of the link floting frame (a ffame inside a window): < IFRAME NAME="content_frame" width="488" height="244" src="1.html">this site uses floating frames< /IFRAME> ------------ < P STYLE="margin-left; 1in; margin-right: 1in; line-height:200%">this text will be shown with 1 inch left & right margins and doublespaced (200%)< /P> < P>This text will be formated normal< /P> ------------ < DL> < DT>< strong>Who made the first Pasta Napolitana?< /strong> < DD>Mr.italiano from Northwind Traders made the first Napolitana sauce. He hade a little restorant, and he decided to add it to his menue.< br> < /DL>

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