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HEARTBEAT (HA): clustering at www.linux-ha.org install gnome preperations: make /etc/hosts look like this: localhost router node1 (node1,2 r the hostname--> uname -n) node2 -on node1 make the net like this: eth0 --> eth0:0 --> lo --> -on node2 : eth0 --> lo --> (u can also change the ips for what better for u) download libnet from www.packetfactory.net/libnet, install it. install heartbeat.tar.gz (./configure,make,make install) copy from /usr/local/share/doc/heartbeat-1.0.3 these 3 files: ha.cf,haresources,authkeys to /usr/local/etc/ha.d -chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/ha.d/authkeys -if u r using smb put at smb.conf: netbios name = heart -at ha.cf use (comment out): debugfile /var/log/ha-debug logfile /var/log/ha-log logfacility local0 keepalive 2 --> haw long between heartbeats (better b 5) deadtime 10 --> here u tell the other server when 2 start udpport 694 bcast eth0 node node1 <-- server host name (uname -n !) node node2 <-- -at authkeys do: auth 2 2 crc -at haresources: (watch the hostname ! must be tha MAIN computer at both!!!) node1 IPaddr:: httpd smb sendmail -than start service heartbeat info: -on some ethernet cards the network wont start with the 2 equal ips(sis900 will start) -when 1 of the servers is down or with a disconnected net cable the other is taking his place after a few minutes. -services like smb must be synchronized at night! -without gnome installed there r some missing packets when installing. u need to install gnome development packages! errors: -when computer starts the ethernet card wont come up if the other is there! so u need to take the wire out than start computer -check good that haresorces is configured with the main server! so that only 1 is main (and not changing during working houres!!!) -for old smb server make deadtime 50 just in case smb is slow !

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