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FILES: cat file_name--> show files -b -->back some lines -g (to line number) -G (end of file) q -->exit,End > prog1 --> prog1: pwd ls -l who cat file1 file2 > file8 --> put file1 file2 into file8 >> --> append * |grep my_word|more --> search for my_word at the files at the directory pgrep --> procces number my_prog& --> run at the backround awk -f prog1 text1 -->put a program on a file alias --> list of aliases alias xx=pwd;ls -l;echo the end;clear: alias rm=/bin/rm -i unalias alias_name --> cancel alias uniq file1 -->shows file with no doble lines -d f1 -->shows the lines that clone themselves -u f1 -->shows the different lines diff file1 file2 -->compare two files touch f1 --> make empty file name f1 (like empty VI) WC file_name -->shows:number of lines,words, sighns -l -->lines file file_name -->shows what kind find /user/oded -name passwd --> search for passwrd from /user/oded down . -->search from here . -mtime -3 -ls -->find files created/modified in the last 30 days -user moshe -name f1 -ok rm {} \; -->find moshes f1 files ask before del -type l,f,d --> symbolic link -type l -exec ls -l {} \; > out.txt 2> /dev/null -name file_name -exec ls -l {} \; -->do something on what u found -ok ls -l {} \; -->ask each time -size -100k --> less than 100 blocks (block=512 bytes) -empty --> for empty files -cmin -1 --> for changed files 1 min ago -ctime --> in days -amin +5 --> entered more than 5 min -UID 501 --> code of owner (root=0) -user oded --> by user owner is oded -gid 201 --> by group number group student --> by group -links +5 --> by link number -perm 400 --> by this permition locate keep_adsl --> tells where the file is.if there is error u delete the /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db than: updatedb whereis keep_adsl --> tells u where the file is more file1 ; more file1 /hi --> searce for "hi" less file1 man file1 /hi -->searce for "hi" head file1-->shows first rows -2 --> 2 rows -c 1k file1 :k-kilobyte,b-byte,m-megabyte -c 3 -->3 digits tail -f -->shows 10 last rows :tail -15 file|head -1 -->line 15 from end spell < text1 --> check spelling grep Login user=mosh /var/log/maillog --> search for string at maillog -n text file1 file2 -->search a frase with no. of row -n [a-d]an data1 -c --> haw many times accure -v --> where root dont accure -i --> ignore upper case letters "^user" -->search for "user" at beggining of line "text$" -->search for "text" at end of line ^[^no] -->everything without "no" at the begining ls /usr/oded|grep passwd --> search passwrd in oded dir only. sort file1 --> sort file file1 file2 -->2 files together -r --> from end to begining -t= +1 -2 file1 -->sort 2nd word "=" is between or +1 -2 file1>file2 -t= +1 -2 +5 -6 file1 -->secondary sort sed: ^ match beginning of line $ match end of line . match any single charecter n replace n instance of pattern g replace all instances sed s/string_to_replace/new_string/g file1 -->changes the string in file1 @ @ @ <-- also with @ sed -e s/black/white/2 file --> change every 2nd word at every line /not/s/black/white/g file ->change black with white only where not 1,2d file -> remove lines :1+2 3d file -> delete line 3 1,2s/LINE/line/ file ->only at lines 1+2 change LINE to line /line/d file -> delete all lines where there is line /hello/,/bye/d file ->delete all lines from hello to byeor to end s/ */ /g file ->change 1 or more space into single space s/ *$// file -> remove all spaces from end of line s/^/ / file -> insert a space at the beginning of a line s/^[0-9]* // file -> removes all numbers at beginning of the line s/b[aeio]g/bug/g file ->change al occurences of bag,beg,big,bog to bug s/t\([aou])\)g/h\1t/g ->change tag,tog,tug to hat,hot,hut respectively s/^[ ]*// remove leading blanks /^$/d file remove blank lines /^\#/d deletes every line begins with # /^\/\*/d file ->delete lines begin with "/*".spacial:*,/ are escaped s/$/./ will stick a period at end of line even blank lines info:if u have . u must add it like: s/12.*A//g --> replace from 12 to A.. mkdir lower for FILE in /var/log/test.* do sed s/ */ /g $FILE > lower/$FILE done ----- rev file | sed -e s/\(.\{7\}\).*/\1/g | rev : gives the Last 7 chars in file

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