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ACCESS: ====== -at a table u can right click and hide/unhide columns -to freese a column: right click | freeze column to unfreeze: choose format | unfreeze column Sort: -records | filter | filter by selection (records|remove filter) -records | filter | filter by form (u can choose tag or at the bottom to add question) ,here u cannot sort a part of a word -key -uniqe at every table -table connections: 1:1,1:N, N:N employee works in some projects, at any projects there are many employees Databases:tables |create table in desighn view by wizard by entering data add field name,field content can be: text/memo/date-time/currency/autonumber/yes-no/ OLE object/hyperlink/lookup Wizard -at field properties choose:size/format/ input mask/cuption/default values/validation text ( like >=Date() )/required than choose a main key,give it a name,start filling Relationships: -tools | relationship | than add the tables | there is a mane key at every table connect 1 field to tha main key -check box:enforce referential integrity: u cannot delete a field that is connected to anothe field -check box:cascade update related fields: if some field was changed at 1 table it will be change at the other -cascade deleted records:delete a record that was deleted on another than:create and watch the connection scheme haw to connect the city table with a company table: 1.make a city table:key: CityID (autonumber) & CityName (text) 2.make a proper company table that tha CityID (field name) & tha datatype scroll to Lookup Wizard at the wizard:i want the lookup column.. | choose city % CityName | finish. now u can c it at table company Queries: F11 (for the main window appears) query | create query in design view | add the fields u like or double click to add the field | add what u like to find down at criteria or at 1 row down if u like to query a or question: criteria like: "Yossi" 100 >=50 Between 10 and 50 like "C*" --> starts with letter C like "????" --> 4 chars text Not 18 >#1/1/96# --> dates after 1/1/96 Between #1/1/98# and #31/1/98# Is Null remark:the input mask works Only with dates and text! -a summery query: the sigma sign (Totals) will add group by to every field -a parameter query:make a query, put cursor at the criteria place and enter thext inside [text here] . every time a query runs it will jump a window to ask -Expression Builder:add a query, put cursor at criteria | usr the upper botton (Build): choose function , date than: [date] > [add date] >[number bigger than] or < [smaller than] Forms: forms|new | design view/form wizard autoform : columnar/tabular/datasheet/chart wizard/pivotTable Wizard at the bottom | choose a table or query to show -use toolbox to design the form:label,text box,option group,command botton.. to lign:select a few boxes with shift |than:format | align -add color bucket -view |form header/footer -query for combobox age:1.make a combobox with data 2.make query parameter with cretiria connected to combo, run the magic builder with a appropriate question 3.at the form amke a command botton |at miseleniose| run query form properties:min/max botton what this (help) picture picture type -->at the computer or at the DB(faster) size/streached/zoom movable form | date | allow deletions other | model --> cannot go to another form Reports: data,grouping,sorting,summary options,layout,style -go to reports | create report by using a wizard | next |choose fields | style |push botton summery options| finish Switchboard: tools | database utilities | switchboard manager | create new switchboard with name | ok. tools | database utilities | switchboard manager | main switchboard | edit |give a name+choose a frame at command write Exit Application,at text:Exit -->to close program edit|new |text open.. | ata command:open report | ok. Startup: tools | startup | display form/page | write application title | app icon check box:allow full menues allow default shortcut menus allow toolbar/menu changes display status bar display Database Window -->to hide the DB Macro: new macro (msgbox,copy,bip,close) on mouse up/down -to enter with username + password: tools | security | user & group acounts user & group permitions than give the user a permition to open the DB tools | security | set database permitions | user & group acounts -tools | database utilities -> backup -> database splitter -ms help workshop :to make help files -sub form to main: add the command from toolbox:subform which asks what to add -the first form: tools | startup:u can add logo to that proprties to first screen:deviding lines:no navigation botton:no record selector:no use access special keys command botton|miseleniuse | autodialer

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