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sbs 4.5 sbs 2k3

sbs4.5 migration to sbsw2k3: --------------------------- 1. make a full backup of the server 2. disable nt dhcp 3. give a new name to the new domain 4. put sp6a on nt (sql7 sp4) 5. admin password must be identical on both servers 6. collect this info: spacial logon scripts servers shares pop3 connectors dhcp scope dns records remote access policies iis exchange 5.5 distribution lists & custom recipients public folder permitions 7. logon from xp client from nt domain as admin 8. ask for users to clean mailboxes 9. from stations: file|export all public folder (include subdirectories) 10. export mailbox admin to pst 11. for rules: tools| rules wizard | export rules ~12. backup db : eseutil /d dbname.edb 13. everyone log off 14. scan for viruses 15. create erd (emergency repair disk) 16. at clients make sure that domain admins is a member of local computer administrator group- or migration will fail 17. disable any personal FW,Anty virus, remove winsock proxy, fax client, delete desktop shortcuts mapping to old server 18. at 2k3 from cd1\i386\admt run admigration.msi 19. from cmd: net localgroup "pre-windows 2000 compatible access" everyone /add "anonymous logon" /add restart destination server 20. cmd: runas /netonly /user:Source-(TESTNT)-DomainName \Administrator "Mmc \"% ProgramFiles%\Active Directory Migration Tool\Migrator.msc\"" 21. migrating users: admt starts|action menu| user account migration wizard| check source and target domain| select users |add | advanced | find now| select only users (not admin!)|next*2| choose ou: mybusiness,users,sbsusers| password : same as username| next| target same as source & check migrate user sid to target domain| ok*5| user account:administrator (11)|user options: translate roaming,update user rights, fix user group,do not rename accounts| next: ignore conflicts -selected, test than migrate. 22. migrating groups: do not migrate ant built in groups! 23. migrating computer accounts: only for nt,xp,2k,2k3 make sure domain admin group is at the client & server action| computer migration wizard| check the domain| at computer selection-add| advanced, find now- select the clients. at ou selection browse to: mybusiness\computers\sbscomputers|ok. at translate objects window check all available options, at security translation options -replace at computer option set the minute to 1, ensure that Do not rename is selected in naming conflicts select ignore than Finish. watch the monitor, wait for the status Completed if u run in test mode run it again. it suppose to make station log on the new domain! if it fails check at station: c:\windows\temp\dctlog.txt. if it failed to change domain affiliation check the DNS on station directed to w2k3 server! enter AD|computers delete Computer-name from station,restart station and try again 24. migrating exchange server user mailboxes: (check the prohibit send and recceive limits on exch 5.5) from 2k3 programs|ms exchange |deployment | migration wizard |next it asks if ldap is running, to do so go to source server, exchange admin, 2* configuration, 2* protocols,2* LDAP site Defaults- make sure its enebled if so-next| at migration Destination accept defaults, next|enter source exchange server name+pass| at migration info accept defaults. at account migration select user mailboxes- do not select administrator mailbox! at container brouse to: \mybusiness\users\SBSusers finish.

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