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joomla: ======= open acount at joomla.co.il www.joomlaos.de | www.mambohut.com | joomla.org | mambotoys.com -great module collention installation: admin(12345) db: ronen(1234) dounload XAMPP control panel change the php5 to php4 by running php-switch.bat from the install directory before that stop the 2 services than press 4 enter http://localhost/index.php | phpMyAdmin or: http://localhost/phpMyAdmin privileges | add new user | select all | add user name + password | go click databases, new DB | choose hebrew general ci (english -latin 1) c that there is a new DB made inside C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\ , open new site name directory: site1 put inside it the whole stable-full-jumla package 1.0.11/10 open the http://localhost/site1 check that u have all green test passed than install,add the password + user u added before than add admin password (12345) click the viewsite button, rename the instalation directory to instalation-- than refresh the site (to install again rename back instalation dir and remove the configuration.php file) section -> category -> module *err: when item is locked -go to system | global checkin hebrew: enter the admin space: http://localhost/site1/administrator go to site | preview | in new window at administrator page go| installers | languages | browse to hebrew file | continue | publish (upload file & install) than go to site | language manager (to edit the translation)|site languages to choose a default language check the hebrew than click the publish button at the upper right so u will see a V at the published clumn template site: installers | template - site | choose : jey_host_rtl | upload & install site | template manager | choose jay_host | press default at assign u can choose any page at the site a different template. to remove the assign page go to the upper listbox and choose none jce: jce -text editor www.cellardoor.za.net. installers | components | upload & install:com_jce104.zip than install mambots: bot\01-jce104.zip +bot\02jce-utils112.zip check at mambots | site mambots that jce is published install addins from :components menu| jce admin | jce plugins |click the "install" icon at the upper right.upload from plugins directory:10 plugins. add jce as default editor:site | global configuration| at defalt wysiwyg editor: JCE editor | save config JCE to hebrew: components | jce admin | jce configuration | at the right | text direction | right to left |new lines | choose :br element (will get down a line by pressing enter). at the jce editor inself u can add a url link or mail link -to add thumbnail image with pop up pic to a jce form: click on image icon|choose the upload icon| than browse to the picture u like(a big one)| check the thumbnail checkbox | than upload| than go to popup image tab |check the popup checkbox| choose the picture again| a messagebox must popup asking if to use image thumbnail| click yes. -to add a thumbnail if u already have it at the left list (at the site):click on jce pic image (adding picture at the jce). go to popup tab | select V | choose the desired picture from below (the big one!) | popup window will jump| answer yes to image thumbnail| than press the insert button at the buttom.(also-jce image| choose on this screen the smaller pic| go to popup tab choose v and choose the bigger pic (c it at the url) | insert (err:u may c 2 thumbnails at the site, delete 1)) modules: at module manager u can publish and unpublish any part(module) of the site u wish. go to installers : modules to show scroll news install module newsflashscroller_pro than publish it -module slideshow from www.lady-beetle.com install from installers -modules.it will create a slideshow box at the site with changing images contacts: components | manage contacts Add com_joomlaXplorer.tar.GZ, than from components| joomla explorer upload any file to the site. media: manage media: media | media manager menu: menu | menu manager | add new manu -submit content-the user can add his own content components | polls | mass mail guest book | www.joomlaportal.com . go to installers | components | browse to (comAdobook3.4..zip) component u must add it in menu | new menu | component | name : "guest book" | component name: adobook | save components | adobook | edit language | edit what there is in brackats | save | edit config | change what inside or down the component for maintainence | edit item | save to add it in the menu: menu | main menu | new | component | name: "guest book"| choose below "adobook" | save to remove "design by mamboteam": templetes/247 portal_blue_rtl/index.php hide this line: < a href=http://mamboteam....< /a> install component: akocomment , than install mambot: cb_akocommentbot.zip than componnents | akocomment | view comments -Error newsfeed scroller pro - to get content from sites automaticaly site | user manager | add new user (new) | choose priviliges | add text editor to that user restore site: to backup:install-components -ebackup|backup all tables copy all the site by ftp localy put install directory,delete configuration.php and run installer to local mysql. from component directory rename ebackup(that was the old directory) and install ebackup again it works ok for joomfish also forum: install component : com_joomlaboard.zip go to joomla board control panel add menu item(forum and moderator) to joomla-board forum module for last posts: mod-jblast.zip, than publish the module to remove the footer (joomla is a..) of the page go: site1\includes\footer.php : < div align="center"> URL; ?> < /div> video: install mambot :all video publish sitemambots at mambots as the example open JCE than write {youtube}video id{/youtube} to watch the movie tabs: install mambot: bot_plugin_jw-tabs.trl.zip at mambots publish it,there u can copy the example and paste it at the jce TO C COMMENTS: install ako-comment tweaked: 1 component + 1 mambot. publish the mumbot go to component | ako coment | view coments picture galeries and other media: install bot :jogadgets0.43.2a publish this mambot, upload the zip file to the root directory of your site extract it. in the readme file there are examples how to add galery,videos,mp3 players... like: {jgxgal folder:=[images/stories] cols:=[4]} (u can add movie in this mambot but also at the jce) baners: components | baners | manage clients / manage baners. we will upload a banner (468x60) go to moduls | banners | manage the banners there. com_artbannersplus.zip will manage banners + flash +sizes,categories new banner | new | banner1.swf | manage time for the banner to show lesson 7: -------- statistics: joomlastats install component. copy the lunes that u need to paste under the closing BODY tag of the index.php of the TEMPLATE u r using than install the other module and publish it. go to components | joomlaStats market place: install com_marketplace13.zip | go to compunents | marketplace configuration:place for how long the ad will be running,add categories at category manager. go to site1\components\com_marketplace\languiges put there the index.php file for hebrew. go to market place categoties | choose publish can make an ad as top ad or "featured ad" that takes the configuration from a css file and displays differently go to market place | type manager user manager: site menu | user manager : manage users by their role in the site as frontend or backend (register,author|editor|publisher) updrading a site: go to joomla.ord| downloads | pick the joomla_1.0.10_to_ 1.0.11.stable_patch_package.zip unzip it and upload to the root directory of the site (the newer files will be above the older) u then get jce errors at: components\jce\jce configuration take the file admin.mambots.php and paste it in: administrator\components\com_mambots the error is gone at every updrade or even fresh 11 install u need to paste this file export db: first upload all files. rename install directory back to its orginal name, delete file cofiguration.php run install again go to localhost/phpmyadmin: export all tables | select add drop tables & and add if not exists| save to file | go when importing select all tables, choose at hte left: delete all tables. than select import. -choose that both dbs are encoded equaly install stoppress module. go to contents\all content items | take the id and put it at the content id box.every time u enter the site (once or always) a popup will jump joomap: components | joomap| add an entry : site map . remove the show menu titles there is exclude to some links if u want to add customquickicons: (to make quick sortcuts for the end user) install module+ component copy the exact address from the explorer to the path we want to make shortcut to. go to customquickicons | new | add anme | choose icon | paste the target path that u copied before go to mudules | admin | quick iconos : unpublish than custom quick icons : publish enter there and at position choose : icon | save joomfish: install component -joomfish | translation | choose content element (menus) | and than filter (topmenu) click a link | translate it | at the right choose the translation language | check the checkbox to publish -joomfish | languiges \ check all the languages u wish -modules | site modules | joomfish language selection (to add the combobox for choosing language) changing joomla to RTL: at the xml file: templateDetails.xml change: encoding="windows-1255" at the css\template_css.css edit the tags at hte body add : direction: rtl; also check where: text-align: right; (padding-left :10px; border-right-color: #000000;) padding: 2px 12px 1px 0; _\____/ / \__ / padding 2px 0 1px 12px; -- margin: 10px 0; (equal to:) margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0; than change to: margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 0; -- change left to right and right to left but not all at once, change 1 than check, than again.. change the other site (border) icons by mirror google sitemap: google.com/about.html google webmaster tools , add your account | add your site go to sitem ap tab choose combobox of "add google sitemap" | put the url of your sitemap (from the joomap google link) |add web sitemap | get confirmation | go to "next step" - verify your site |choose "upload html file" copy the code for your site \ create the file: make a new text file : rename it to the code name youve got. upload it to the path google hase asked and press the "verfy" button go back to the "statistics" tab of google | check what google have to say about your site eventcal: install forge.joomla.org/projects/eventcal (2 modules to install) publish event calendar. put at site1/components\com_eventcal\languages the hebrew.php file. open it in notepad and save it as ANSI format at the joomla global configuration change "local" tab: change:country local to he_IL (only at the far computer u will c a difference) at general u can choose month/week view go to configuration| dab adteformat: choose the firat day of the week at display tab choose buttons at table format say what is your starting date or ending date (8:00 - 17:00) mailing tab: who will get mails about any changes u can add categories with different colors for sorting views later at the site at components\event calendar\manage categories use the "category manager" button to add new categories make a new category | movies | add picture and content choose appropriate color at the category manager page at event calendar| manage event | add new events | new button...-u must fill the Hours! event can be repeated. add contact person+ email event_cal_mini: install module | go to modules and publish it | change its name | first day at a week| words number for each day event_cal_upcoming | install module than publish it | give it a name:"upcoming events"... how many events to show| date format| colors and more newslatter: com_letterman | install component | add component link to the site components | letterman | configuration: check if u need to check email verifications how many emails to send at a time| u can add new subscribers to the letterman or sighned subscribers from the site to get letters can "compose new" newsletter or manage existing one: u add the content part of the site to the letter: hello [NAME], IN THIS LETTER YOU CAN SEE THE FOLOwing contents fro m my site: ["CONTENT id="6] ["CONTENT id="9] ["CONTENT id="1] (u add this with the content explorer at the right later u can watch the letter and edit it with the text editor at the end u publish itand than press the "send now" link for sending the mail send newsletter to all subscribers | check the "disable timeout" checkbox | than publish lettersubscribe: module for subscribing. install and publish the module | change to active change the text before subscribe | add the name field.. rsgallery2: install component | link to this component go to components | rsgallery| general tab for introduction text images tab: image manipulation | add watermark text at users tab | let users to upload pictures| if a user can add categories (how many) how many picturs can a user upload manage galeries |make a new gallery | edit an existing gallery | iaa it publiahed | who can see voting can kake another galerry the father of a new gallery from the rsgallery2 panel u can upload pictures to an existing gallery and put descriptions eside it u can manage images |delete | edit an existing image and its details can batch upload (ziped images) ecommerce: (oscommerce also) http://virtuemart.net install component | press the install sample data edit the store details | general info | email minimum price | logo go to panel | configuration: shop is offline | if to show the prices at catalog mode do u use an existing account or make a new 1 tax options, site rules or choose a site module for a site rules checkbox for checking if the item is in the stock or not (when putting the number in stock) put the hebrew file at : administrator\components\virtual mart\languages put the site https secure path | shop.index is the page for the main store page. shop.error -error store page at site tab: if to show pdf,"no image" image,if to add "powered by mambo-shop" at the buttom at sending tab: at the buttom| no need to charge for packaging or sanding.. at checkout tab: the stages for checkout (after the customer has decided to order) at downloads tab: checkbox :allow download | maximum time for dowonload | the path of the directory for downloading (better be outside the site path) | time to dounload after finished order control panel | payment options : publish the method u prefer supliers (not stable- do not use) categories: items are sorted by categories there edit the store details: israeli shekel | configuration: catalog state :do not allow buying , show prices and all without the "add to cart" link new catogory: show x products per row, upload image and small image at he upper panel: manufaturers | u can add categories to manufaturers | new manufaturer upper panel: packaging | add prices regular panel:products to manage all products: u can duplicate a produce, delete|make active add to category 1 or more (with pressing Ctrl), put short description|price taxes and discounts how many on the stock, add checkbox "in sale" | capcha image at the likely items tab add the products u would like u can sort to view by what there is in stock,by categories,what is in sale, by kinds of products u can view the buyers| orders, taxs | make coupons installer package: copy the site files to directory name joomla_installer | delete configuration.php ther must be "instalation" directory go to phpmyadmin | backup the db: remove checkbox of data check the checkbox of structure add v at the forst 2 checkboxes:"Add if not exist" + ad delete table +save as a file choose the wanted db| export (go) save the file at joomla_installer/instalation/sql/joomla.sql (replace the 1 that is there) now do the whole export procedure with data checkbox checked (instead od structure) save it at the same directory: ...sql\sample_data.sql (override the existing 1) now: open sqlexpress (or other text editor) replace every -- with # also replace every: jos with: #_ (first the # and right after the underscore) now install joomle from this directory while "install sample date checkbox" is checked u need to change the site global configuration again because the configuration file has been deleted joomala 1.5 beta: unzip the package at htdocs\site1 make db with utf_general_ci | choose languige | next when u choose : "get sorting" choose utf8_general_ci| it will throgh an error backup old tables u can upload an old file od joomla site there. important modules: ================= //galeries: http://www.zoomfactory.org/ for pictures http://www.mehdiplugins.com/misc/ http://www.clexus.com/content/view/88/75/ http://opensource.4theweb.nl/ //community: http://www.joomlapolis.com // groups of prvileges http://www.byostech.com //forums: http://www.simplemachines.org/download/?bridges http://www.mehdiplugins.com/misc/phpbbjoom.htm //chat: http://www.blastchat.com http://www.clexus.com/content/view/68/63 //make forms: http://www.facileforms.biz/ http://mosforms.pollen-8.co.uk/ http://forge.joomla.org/sf/projects/performs http://www.gmitc.biz/content/view/90/115 //contact page: http://software.filzhut.de/ //market place by design http://forge.joomla.org/sf/projects/noah //events: http://www.schlu.net http://www.jevents.net //guestbook: http://www.easy-joomla.org http://www.perrysscripts.com //google: http://fijiwebdesign.com/content/view/74/54/ http://www.joomlaspan.com //polls: http://joomlaxt.com //Newsletter http://www.acajoom.com/content/blogcategory/13/71 http://www.joomla-addons.org/yanc.html //ratings: http://www.joomlaratings.com //rss: http://phlooid.com http://www.stroz.us/php (with ajax) //style mambot: http://www.joomlaprodigy.com/content/view/17/38/ http://www.globodigital.net/tips_bot.html (for tips) //faqs: http://www.joomla-addons.org/easyfaq-component.html //index (d.co.il) http://www.visualclinic.fr //manage links (bookmarks) http://www.tegdesign.ch

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