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SERVICE LEVEL SECURITY: SSH: ssh -l user_name ---ip-address/dns_name--- --> for secure connection by root, it keeps the old /etc/ssh/sshd_config -->u can deny root login by adding the following line: AllowUsers yaniv ron --> only these 2 users will be able to login at ssh! close version 1. sftp -oPort=123 host_name --> for secure file transfare info: mac_address of the computer at: /root/.ssh/known_hosts2:2 /var/log/secure --> who tried to log in and when errors: if the host has changed the key u can delete it fron Your computer at ~/ssh/known_hosts netstat -rm --> shows internet connection -A inet -anp |grep LISTEN|more -t,-u,-p,-s,-r -taupe --> active network servers, established connections chkconfig -list --> see list of all services -del service_name telnet off , on (/etc/xinetd.d/telnet disable=yes) /etc/hosts.allow --> (will b first examined) : (in.ftpd: 192.168.0. in.telnetd, portmap: ALL: EXCEPT 192.168.1.) hosts.deny --> ALL: ALL sendmail: .hotmail.com EXCEPT 192.168.0. --> mails will not arrive from that domain and u will be able to send! (ALL: .cracker.org EXCEPT trusted.cracker.org in.ftpd, portmap: ALL pop3d: 192.168.0. EXCEPT sshd : ALL AXCEPT 192.168.1. /etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd: no_access = 192.168.0.x telnet : only_from = access_times = 09:00-16:00 --> when 2 access instances = 60 -->number of simultaneous_ pre_source = 5 connections per IP address /etc/xinetd.conf : no_access = (restart xinetd all3!) 2 querie dns of server1 about ip address: host -l cracker.org server1.example.com ps -auxw --> extrat info of processes

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